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The current price of StatTrak™ AK-47 | Case Hardened (Well-Worn) on WAXPEER is 0 with a weekly trading volume of 4 sales (1 578.90).
This skin grew in price by 4.66 % (19.66) in the last 7 days and by 29.35 % (123.76) in the last 30 days.
Here, at Waxpeer, we offer our users all they might need in order to enhance their trading experience. Please, use our tools to search for the best price, buy or sell AK-47 Case Hardened or any other item from CS:GO or DOTA 2, and get money for your wanted items. You may do so with any of our supported currencies! All of your transactions are safe because we use the Player-to-Player exchange system, which is why we also have very low time delays for transactions, and in one to five minutes you will be done with your trade.