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This is an XM1014, semi-auto shotgun, and an absolute fear-installing machine for close combat. This one has been painted with a Zombie Offensive paint job, so its coolness and the amount of psychological pressure are at least doubled. Almost all gun is painted with zombies and survivors that are fighting them, though it is made in a cartoonish style, your enemies will feel that the danger that’s coming from your gun is, in fact, very real. Though it is very hard to underestimate this weapon’s power, the best way to utilize your firepower is to ambush enemy zombies in close quarters.
Are you interested in buying XM1014 Zombie Offensive? Here, at Waxpeer, you can find the best prices for that or any other tradable item from Dota 2 or CS:GO! We are happy to provide you with all our tools for selling, ordering, or monitoring the prices! We use a Player-to-Player system that makes all your exchanges safe and fast! Your usual trade will be done only in one to five minutes, that’s almost instant! Because we are an international marketplace, we also support different currencies for your convenience and comfort, so come check our place out!