66 votes
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The current price of P2000 | Corticera (Field-Tested) on WAXPEER is 0 with a weekly trading volume of 12 sales (55.67).
This skin grew in price by 11.22 % (1.64) in the last 7 days and by 47.1 % (6.87) in the last 30 days.
Do you want to buy or sell P2000 Corticera? You’ve found just the right place for that! At Waxpeer, we’re delighted to offer you our full set of tools to make your trading experience as safe and fast as it could be. We use a Player-to-Player exchange system that ensures the safety of your trades. Moreso, this is also the reason why your trades will be done in only about one to five minutes of time, that is almost instant! Also, for your convenience, we support many different types of currency!