CS2 Ranking System - All You Need to Know!

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What to know how CS2 ranking system works? Find it out with the help of our article!

CS2 Ranking System - All You Need to Know!

With the release of Counter-Strike 2, Valve is introducing a new ranking system that is about to change the Counter-Strike competitive landscape entirely. The game features two separate ranking systems – the Competitive Ranks and the Premier Mode Rating – each designed to upgrade your competitive experience in their respective modes. Lets move right to the details.

CS2 Ranking System - All You Need to Know! 1

In Competitive Mode, players can choose the maps they prefer the most and are given a unique rank, ranging from Silver 1 to Global Elite, for each single map. This update allows us, the players, to master specific maps (or, realistically speaking, to simply queue Mirage and Dust II only) and compete against others at a similar skill level, making your matches more balanced. This map-specific ranking system is not that big of a change from CS:GO. The only difference is the fact that now you can’t call yourself a real Global Elite after winning 30 Dust II games in a row.

CS2 Ranking System - All You Need to Know! 2

On the other hand, in Premier Mode, players' ranks are replaced by a CS Rating (everyone will keep calling it ELO or MMR anyway). Here, the map selection is more strategic and even imitates professional play in some way, with a pick and ban phase determining the map. After winning 10 placement matches, players receive a CS Rating between 0 and 35,000, which changes after every match. In most cases, you’ll be gaining/losing 100-200 points per game. This new numerical system puts the competition on a whole another level, allowing players to compare their ratings regionally or even globally.

In Premier Mode, players must be prepared to play any map from the active pool. It prevents players from boosting their ranks by playing only their strongest map, which we mentioned earlier. As the result, this mode demands a broader knowledge of maps from the players. Some people even say that this mode is about to kill Faceit!

CS2 Ranking System - All You Need to Know! 3

The correlation between the new CS2 and the old CS:GO ranks is approximated as follows:

Silver 1 – Silver Elite Master is something similar to a CS Rating of 0-1999;

Gold Nova 1 – Gold Nova Master correlates to 2000 – 5999;

Master Guardian 1 – Master Guardian Elite to 6000-8999;

Distinguished Master Guardian – Legendary Eagle Master to 9000 – 12999;

Supreme to 13000 – 14999;

Global Elite to 15000 and above.

As CS2 is still in beta, these numbers might (and they probably will)change a lot with the global release of the game. With these new ranking systems, Valve aims to make their in-game competitive mode as great as it used to be back in the early days of our beloved CS:GO.